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Worship at Nativity this Sunday (8am and 10am)

Hello –

Our worship this Sunday is at Nativity at 333 Ellen Drive in San Rafael. I will be preaching, our choir will be singing at the 10am and half of all the people serving as Acolytes, readers and ushers will be from St. Paul’s. This will truly be a shared worship experience.

I cannot say often enough how grateful I am to Nativity for their hospitality and generosity. We’ve already had many of our regular activities on their campus and they have been gracious to all, including our Bible studies, St. Anne’s, our twelve step groups and the Boys Chorus. I expect this Sunday will be just as warm and friendly.

In the meantime, work is moving along quickly on the courtyard, which is all torn out and is getting new soil and pipes. Santos, Oscar and Calysto are working long, hot, hard hours, with great grace and skill, to get the work done in a timely manner. Please pray for them and give thanks for them! And be sure and give your thanks to Pat and Larry, who continue to oversee all the work with good-humored care and attention to detail.

See you Sunday at Nativity.


p: (415) 456-4842