Online Directory/Pledges
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Update Your Member Info or Make a Pledge Online With Our New Realm Database

Did you you know that the St. Paul’s Directory & Pledging System is now online in a new members’ only, cloud-based system?  Realm gives you the ability to update and maintain your own contact information, pledge online, review your contributions history, and print your own year-end statements.  Realm also allows groups of people, such as St. Anne’s Guild, Bible Study or Parents of Sunday School students to communicate directly with each other.

To get started, please send an email to and include your name and your pledge number (if you have one).  We’ll set you up as a user and walk your through updating your information and making it visible others at St. Paul’s, and creating pledges (if you choose).  Once you have access to the system, well also give you access to other church-members’ information, such as email and phone number , if they have chosen to share it.

In the meantime, here’s some info directly from Realm that explains some of the basics. If you have any questions, please send an email to the address above.