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Important Upcoming Dates for St. Paul’s Families

Hello St. Paul’s Families,

I hope everyone is well as we head into Thanksgiving and then Advent and Christmas. We have a number of special activities planned that I want to bring to your attention:

-This Sunday 11/16 the kids will be making Thanksgiving crafts for the dining room tables at the St. Vincent’s soup kitchen. Everyone should gather in the church for announcements and head into Duncan Hall at the beginning of “Glory to God in the highest.”

-Sunday 11/30 we will be decorating Advent wreaths after church. If you would like to participate in this and need me to order a wreath for you, please let me know by this Sunday. We have 8 families so far who will be there.

-Sunday 12/14 at 11:45 we will sing Christmas Carols to the dinners at the St. Vincent de Paul’s soup kitchen.

I’m still fine tuning how we will use it, but you can see most of our upcoming activities and ways you can participate by visiting this link. Please take look and see what is happening over the next several weeks.
