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Gratitude and Generosity

Hello –

Last Sunday your Vestry put on a wonderful brunch in celebration of gratitude. The participation exceeded expectations and the energy in the room was vibrant and good humored. It was yet another expression of our health and strength.

The dynamics of the brunch reflected many of the values we do our best to live out in our life together. A member of the Vestry, out of generosity, paid for all the food. Two other members, Libby and Tanner, were creative and careful in their shopping and in their preparation and so produced a feast for over 70 people for only $315. Finally, in a joyful gesture, yet another member of the Vestry contributed the bubbly. The rest of the Vestry chipped in a whole host of ways to make it fun and light for all.

If you are grateful for St. Paul’s in any way, please pledge generously to our life together in the coming year, our 150th year as a parish. Our stewardship campaign so far is on track to help us thrive. In addition we have received two more legacy gifts in the last few weeks that help us continue to invest in our campus, our shared ministry and in our future projects.

Thank you, Vestry, for a joyful celebration last Sunday. Thank you to you, whoever you are, for attending to and even contributing to our common life. Now may your treasure go where your heart is.

p: (415) 456-4842