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Easter Flowers and Holy Week Schedule

Easter Flowers!

We’ll be filling the Church windows and draping the Altar with flowers and greens on Saturday morning, April 15, in preparation for the Great Vigil and Easter Sunday. You’re more than welcome to join us! Your Altar Guild would also appreciate your donation for these flowers, especially given in memory of someone you love. There is no specific dollar amount required for the flowers. Please either send in the form at this link and your check by mail or bring it in on a Sunday to put in the offering plate. Make your check payable to St. Paul’s and note the designation for Easter Altar Flowers. Please be sure that this request is in the Church no later April 7.

Full Holy Week schedule:

Holy Week begins April 9th for Palm Sunday and concludes April 16th with Easter. On those two Sundays we have our usual service times of 8am and 10am (Easter Sunday there is an egg hunt after the 10am service). In between are three amazing services: Maundy Thursday is the 13th at 7:30pm. This year, we will be joined by both Grace Marin and Bay Marin Churches. Grace Marin will serve a light supper starting at 6pm. Good Friday service is at noon on the 14th and lasts an hour. Finally, the Easter Vigil, the most powerful and dramatic service of the year, is Saturday the 15th at 7:30pm.