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A New Season


This Sunday is the first Sunday of the season of Advent, the time of preparation for the coming of Jesus. Here are three cool things to know:

• Psalmathon. We kick things off on Saturday with our fourth Psalmathon. This where a group of us start at the beginning (“Happy are they who have not walked in the council of the wicked…”) and then read or sing our way all the way through to the end (“…let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Hallelujah!”). It’s at Redeemer church in Peacock gap. It starts at 2pm and goes until about 8pm, with a light supper.

• Greeting Cards. We have created beautiful, high quality cards out of two of Bruce’s warm and welcoming photos of the inside of our sacred space. They are perfect for special Christmas cards or for important messages year round. They are $30 for a pack of 8 and will be available starting Sunday.

• Matching Grant. An anonymous donor asked if we had paid all the expenses of the work on the Hardin Courtyard. In fact, largely due to completely redoing the irrigation and two other important additions, we were about $17,900 over. They offered $10,000 of a matching grant through the end of the calendar year. Every dollar that any of us gives to St. Paul’s before January 1st is matched by them. Chloe and I are in for another $1000. That means $2000 for St. Paul’s! Will you join us?

Finally, please remember to pledge if you haven’t already. We rely on your generosity to do our good and Godly work.

p: (415) 456-4842